Dual Loyalties
The Builders, the Barons, and the British
A Tale of Two Men:
Raphael Kohn – Representative of Baron Rothschild
Joseph Kuperman – Assistant Commissioner
in the British Mandate
Exhibition Curators: Avital Efrat and Yoram Fogel
A family archive, exposed for the first time, sheds light on events and scenes from the history of Zichron Ya'akov and Eretz Israel in the first half of the 20th century.
The centerpiece of the collection is a photo album given to Raphael Kohn as a retirement gift from JCA, after serving as Baron Rothschild's' representative in ZY for 40 years. Alongside are dozens of photos from special events and various periods of his life. His son-in-law, Joseph Kuperman, was among the few Jews to reach high positions in the British Mandatory government. His collection of personal photos, featuring all of the British High Commissioners, is a rare find.
In addition to their family ties, another common thread is presented by the stories of these men: the tightrope that each of them were living on, as a member of two distinct groups with parallel, and often contradictory, narratives.
To Zichron Ya'akov’s “Hall of Fame” we hereby add the names of two heroes.
Past Exhibitions
Women in Hadera, in collaboration with the Khan Museum in Hadera, curated by Nina Rodin
2008, Home Poetry, Poetics on Objects by the Poet and Artist Hani Sternberg, Curator Avital Efrat
2009, Israelization, photographs by Elliott Jacobs, new immigrants in Israeli spaces. Curator Avital Efrat
2012, Portrait of a Yemenite, courtesy of the Eretz Israel Museum, curator Guy Raz.
Yemenite memory, photographs and objects of Yemeni immigrants in Zichron Yaacov, curator Avital Efrat
2012, Memory in Pencil, by Haifa architect and painter, David Whitman, summer drawings in Zichron Ya’akov 1941–1943. Curator Avital Efrat
2013, Hanging, Contemporary Israeli Art, curators Revital Grun and Tali Bichler
Address: 2, Hanadiv st. , Zikhron Ya'akov
Phone: 04-6294888
P.o.box 10, Zikhron Ya'akov 3095001
Email: Museumzy@gmail.com